Cowgirl Erin from Ohio

Cowgirl Erin and Blackie the Horse

Cowgirl Erin and Blackie the Horse

We had a great visit and lots of saddle time with our new friend Erin from Ohio. Erin and I rode everyday- sometimes in rough, brushy country moving cattle to fresh grass. She is absolutely a natural cattle handler. The first ride I left her moving about 100 head of Texas longhorns by herself while I made a circle to gather some strays. I figured I would have to help regather her cattle- but she took them all to water and met me with the original 100 head plus a few she picked up in route. That doesn’t happen often on someone’s first cattle gather experience.

Erin rides well too. That is surely a big plus on this big a ranch. There is no way to work the Double Circle other than horseback. She and Blackie made a good team. Blackie is one of those good horses who has to be ridden easy. He can’t tolerate heavy handed or rough riders. To watch Erin and Blackie loping down a dirt trail, you would assume they had been a working team for years. They sure made a good team and got the job done.

I hope we will see Erin again. We all enjoyed her company – and appreciated the help she was.

Cowgirl Erin rides Blackie the Horse

Cowgirl Erin rides Blackie the Horse

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