Day 2 of Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation

Karl Lentini from Los Angeles came to the Double Circle for a cattle herding vacation. Karl sent us the daily notes he wrote about his experience on the ranch. Below is the entry for his second day at the Double Circle Ranch.

My Time at Double Circle Ranch

by Karl Lentini

Day 2: Monday Sept. 6 2010

Cowboy Karl Riding Prairie and Thickets

Cowboy Karl Riding Through Prairie and Thickets

Woke up before my alarm at 5:30 a.m. daybreak. It’s Labor Day. On the ranch, that means a day to labor. Met Jim and Clarice, who were making breakfast. Hot coffee, eggs, good company…no better way to start your day.

Rode Odie again. Rode up a steep hill after Wilma and her horse. The fact that she rode up the hill and the fact that Odie was so confident encouraged me to go up the hill, which we did. Going down it was very narrow. And rocky. Wilma rode ahead of me, and said “Make him go.” I was nervous and almost said, “I can’t do this.” But I trusted Odie and went down step by step, feeling rocks shifting under his feet. I felt I could have closed my eyes and he would have taken me safely down.

Drove my first cattle today. I didn’t know that they will hide behind a tree hoping you won’t see them. Funny thing is sometimes you don’t.

Went through lots of branches while riding the horse. Used my hat as a shield. One “branch” was sticking out like a knife pointing at my ribs. I tried to move it, thinking it would give way. It was no branch — it was a limb and I had to dodge it. It would have impaled me had the horse been running. I see how functional the cowboy hat is — it protects your head from the sun and branches. My new cowboy hat is now broken in with freshly carved scratches.

Lost the radio that Wilma gave me. It was in my front pocket and must have jumped out when I went under the branches. Wilma tells me, “Things lost out here usually stay lost.”

Drove out to the horse pasture with Mike in his car. He played a great song about Nevada sung by Pedro Marquez. Amazed how the horses came up to us at the pasture fence as if posing for my camera.

Everyone but Wilma had runny noses from allergic reactions to pollen, sunflower plants, daisies, dust, God knows what else. Whatever you’re allergic to they probably got it here.

2 comments to Day 2 of Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation

  • joan lentini

    great reading about our son’s experience at your ranch. thanks for this opportunity to view his comments. He has related lots to us over phone but this is really detailed.

  • Joan,

    Glad you enjoyed Karl’s log. He was a great guest- lots of fun and up to try new experiences. We are looking forward to having him at the Double Circle again. I personally wouldn’t mind passing up the lightning storm we were caught in though. But Karl did want authentic. Cowboys trailing steers from Mexico to Montana surely rode in all kinds of weather- we at least didn’t have to deal with snow!


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