Forrest – Our Hard Working Ranch Guest

Working Ranch Guest Forrest and Tractor

Working Ranch Guest Forrest and Tractor

Our friend Forrest is back at the Double Circle Ranch as a working guest. He is the most helpful thing since pockets came into style – always handy. Not only does he ride and herd cattle, gather any stragglers, and feed horses, he runs a tractor and backhoe, does carpentry, electric, and plumbing and helps on solar and fencing projects. He is flying through a work list that would intimidate most people – and having fun doing it. We are winding up projects we thought might be in the “to do” list for another year. Hurray!!!

Forrest is here for a whole month. Wonder what would happen if his return flight ticket to California got “lost.” We wouldn’t mind shanghaiing him for another month! His wife might not be too pleased with that deal though.

2 comments to Forrest – Our Hard Working Ranch Guest

  • Sandi Cioppa

    Your list grows shorter. Mine is about 11 acres long! Why does everything go wrong the minute he leaves? Glad he’s having fun and that you’re accomplishing a lot.

  • Sandi,

    We’ll ship Forrest back soon. He sure has been good company and a lot of help.Come up with him next time– you would be most welcome.
    I promise not to have you building fence or gathering strays.

    Hope to see you again,

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