Karl’s Return Visit

Cowboy Karl Gatherin the Longhorns

Cowboy Karl Gatherin the Longhorns

Our friend Karl was back to the Double Circle Ranch last week. He drove in from Los Angeles. Karl wanted to get the feel and spirit of ranch life. So we put him right to work. Karl and I rode picking up remnant cattle and herding cattle on the NO Bar Mesa – long hours in the saddle. Plus Karl spent a whole day with our Apache fence crew building fence in our high country. I think sore bottom and legs from riding all day and a sore back from carrying barb wire and pounding T-posts pretty well gave Karl the feel of ranch life.

I felt a little bad about working Karl so hard and decided to work on the spirit side of Karl’s request. There is no feeling in the world much better than riding a good horse in wide open spaces with not a care or a person around you. The freedom of loping thru tall grass, splashing across creeks, and trotting up hills can’t really be described. When you rim out and see nothing but mountains, canyons, and mesas as far as the eye can see with no roads, power lines, or houses in sight, your spirit soars. It is a unique feeling. Karl came back from two days of riding alone smiling ear to ear and with his face glowing. I know that feeling. It is one of the things that makes ranching a great lifestyle.

So Karl when you read this, I hope you got the feel and spirit of ranch life. Do come back and see us again at the Double Circle. I’ll catch you a string of good horses.

2 comments to Karl’s Return Visit


    I most definitely got the feel and spirit of ranch life, which makes it harder to come back to the big sprawling city. It’s not often you get to ride a horse by yourself in open country, and I appreciate the chance to do so.

  • Karl,

    Just remember that there is always a good horse with your name on it at the Double Circle. See you next year if not sooner.

    Doug and Wilma

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