Our Swiss Cowboys

Jan and Dustin Herding Texas Longhorns on their Family Ranch Vacation

Jan and Dustin Herding Texas Longhorn Cattle

We had guests all the way from Switzerland this October. Jan and Dustin, father and 12-year-old son, came for a custom family ranch vacation and stayed a week here at Double Circle Ranch. They had been taking Western riding lessons in Switzerland – and we sure put the lessons to good use. They rode every day and herded Texas Longhorns daily. If they got saddle sore, neither one complained. They did a great job. 

The cattle were on some steep hillsides and in brushy canyon bottoms. Our two Swiss cowboys scrambled up hills, slid down slopes, and fought their way through brush like pros. Dustin – being 12 – did take a couple of half days off to explore the ranch on our Kubota side-by-side 4 wheeler with our nephew Ryan. Dustin even got to drive the 4 wheeler when his father was with him. It is hard to tell if Dustin enjoyed the horses or the 4 wheeler the most – a close call. Jan, on the other hand, was definitely happier on horseback. He got to canter in open spaces for the first time. After that, I would see Jan cantering Poncho across the grasslands disappearing and remerging one hill after another. I think Poncho had as much fun as Jan did.

Speaking of fun, Doug, Ryan, and I had as much fun as Jan and Dustin did. They were good sports and great company. They plan on coming back next year – and we’re looking forward to their visit. Guess I had better make sure Flash and Poncho are legged up and ready to go. These Swiss cowboys sure can cover a lot of ground on horseback!

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