Ranch Guest Jan Weigel from Switzerland

Jan and Brumby Lookin for Stray Cattle

Jan and Brumby Lookin for Stray Cattle

Well, I am striking out on my blog work. Twice I have written blogs about one of our favorite guests at the Double Circle and twice I have managed to lose the blog before it gets put on the website. Jan Weigel comes here from Switzerland to ride and work cattle. His first trip here he brought his then 12-year old son Dustin. The next year he brought his sister Rene. This year he had a ski accident and couldn’t get to the ranch. But next year we sure hope to see him and his family.

Jan, Dustin, and Rene are all good riders and good sports. They are lots of fun – we look forward to seeing them and riding together. Plus they are pretty darn handy at cow gathering and herding. So Jan, if you see this blog, remember I am pretty well computer illiterate. Sorry to lose the blog about your visit not once, but twice.

Jan, grab your boots and get back out here. Bring Rene or Dustin. Flash, Blackie, and Brumby need the exercise and Doug and I always have a ball when you are here. See you at the ranch!

Rene Riding her Favorite Horse - Blackie

Rene Riding her Favorite Horse - Blackie

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