What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas (Thankfully!)

Freemont Street Light Show in Las Vegas

Freemont Street Light Show in Las Vegas

Well, we finally took a mini-vacation. Six days away from the Double Circle. Jeremy is here and able to watch the ranch, feed critters, check water, all the usual chores, so we decided to go visit my niece in Las Vegas. We took back roads through national forests checking out trails, campsites, and lakes along the way. There sure is a lot of beautiful open country in the American West. I doubt any other country has better parks and public lands than the USA.

We left the back country and went into Las Vegas. Now there is a culture shock! Going from no electric for 30 miles to the lights of Vegas is like traveling to a different planet. And the traffic – we can drive for hours and see anywhere from 0 to 10 vehicles – in miles – unless it is deer season when we actually have traffic for a short time. Vegas is bumper-to-bumper 24/7. Lucky for us that Steve – my niece’s husband – drove us around to see the sights of Las Vegas.

Vegas Night Scene on the Strip

Vegas Night Scene on the Strip

And there sure are some strange sights in Las Vegas! There are only 4 full time ranch wives and 2 wives who mostly stay in town on all of Eagle Creek. The average age is well over 50. I am 99.9% sure that none of us owns a string bikini about the size of a third of a wild rag. And I am positive that our husbands would rope and tie us if we went out in public shaking our tops and bottoms for tips. I wouldn’t want to be the drag queens with the showgirl outfits and tall feather hats either on Eagle Creek. Someone might shoot at the feathers before they knew it was a real person under all the glitter. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

We did have a great visit with Rachel and Steve. But next time they will need to come see us at the ranch. Then we can do the culture shock in reverse – no air conditioning, no hair dryers, no shopping, no bars or restaurants, dark starry nights with coyotes and owls for serenades. Just peace and quiet. Sure is good to be home!

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