Building Fences for the Ranch

Welding Pack Saddle Racks

Derek Welds Pack Saddle Racks

This winter is fairly warm and pretty well snow free here at the Double Circle. SO – it is time to build more fences. Our next funded project is about 4 miles of rebuild along our southern border with Tule Ranch. There is no road access to any part of the fence. Normally the horse trail would be snow covered, but now there is some green showing already. Early spring it looks like.

We have Ronson coming back from the San Carlos Apache reservation to our west to do the fence work. No one builds a better fence than our Apache neighbors. Wild Bill will be packing posts and wire in and packing the old wire out- quite a job. Doug and Derek built custom racks for our Decker pack saddles to haul all the materials. I expect the 2 mules, Kit and Kate, will be glad to get back to pulling the chuckwagon by the time all that material is moved. Fencing and packing are by far two of the hardest jobs on the ranch.

2 comments to Building Fences for the Ranch

  • Dave

    Wish I was there to help.

  • Hi Dave,

    I wrote about spring weather too early. The first day packing materials up Bill and Amy ran into a pretty heavy snowstorm with about 30 mph winds. I am sure it didn’t feel like spring at all. Bill brought the pack racks back for a few welding adjustments and now tomorrow we get to see how it all works out.

    Hope all is well with you.


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