Cowboys are Hardy

In the past, cowboys, some of them famous like Tom Blassingame and J. Frank Dobie, signed up to work at the Double Circle Ranch because it was tough. It was a badge of cowboy honor to have put in a season at the Circles. You were a pretty darn good hand to make it at this ranch.

Cowboy on Horse Crossing Flooded Eagle Creek

Cowboy on Horse Crossing Flooded Eagle Creek

Well, it hasn’t changed much. People who work and live here on Eagle Creek have to be hardy. Roland Davidson took this job when he could have gotten more money at an easier job because he wanted to work at the historic Double Circle. Thank goodness – cause I sure need a hand.

The picture wasn’t taken years ago – it was a couple of weeks ago during the flood. The cowboys work for our neighbors Cash and Crystal Noland who own JR’s Fence Company. They are redoing an old fence line for us and the pack stock was on the wrong side of Eagle Creek when work was to begin. They are swimming the stock across so they can get to building fence. Got to be tough – better swim well too!

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