Cowgirl Cande’s Ranch Experience

Ranch Cowgirl Cande Herding Cattle

Ranch Cowgirl Cande Herding Cattle

We had a friend/volunteer come spend a week on a working ranch vacation at the Double Circle – and we all had a great time! Cande flew in from Florida, rented a car, and drove to the ranch to work as a cowgirl – for free.

She wanted the ranch experience – we needed an extra set of hands. It worked out well all the way around. It didn’t take me long to see that Cande was experienced with both horses and cattle, so she got a lot of saddle time herding the Texas Longhorn steers. Even though these mountains, rocks, and cactus are totally different than Florida flatlands, Cande proved to be a very good hand. She took care of all the cattle herding by herself for two days while we were out of town, and looked like an old hand at it, too. Needless to say, she has an open invite here any time!

Ranch Cowboy Cande Herding Arizona Longhorns

Ranch Cowgirl Cande Herding Arizona Longhorns

5 comments to Cowgirl Cande’s Ranch Experience

  • Hi,
    I worked with Cande in Florida and she told me all about her experience. She was so excited to finally tell me about it when she returned to work. I am now very interested in expriencing it myself with my two sons. I had no idea there was a place that offered this experience! I will be visiting soon!
    Laurie, Whiley
    and Johnathan

  • Laurie,

    You would love it here at the Double Circle. It is a very unique place. Let us know when you can bring the boys and come West.


  • Joe@El Paso Divorce

    I’m thinking to have this kind of vacation as well together with my family and probably to happen within this year hopefully.

  • Sandy Resine

    Wow!! Cande told me about this place, I also work with her, she is a special lady. I’m so glad she got to do something like this. Fabulous website,I would love to do something like this. Cande you look great in the pics.

  • Sandy,

    We certainly worked poor Cande hard. She is a great sport. We had fun and she got to see some wild country from a cowpony’s back. Hopefully ,she will return another time. You should see this ranch too- it truly is awesome!


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