New Cowboy on the Ranch

Roland, Our New Cowboy on the Hard Working Dude Ranch

Roland, Our New Cowboy on the Hard Working Dude Ranch

Roland , our new cowboy, doesn’t have the luck of the Irish. He sure hired on when things were tough at the Double Circle. He walked right into checking the roughest fence on the place. Then we moved the steers to the rough country right as the storm started. Before we had everything gathered and on the 13-mile trail drive, it rained, sleeted, and snowed on us. But the worst thing was the cattle. They were sensing the storm and almost impossible to drive. We got the bulk into Main Pasture, but we have cattle scattered over at least 15 miles (that we know of). Of course, it is ice and mud everywhere, and we can’t ride after the bunch quitters. No telling where they are by now. A horse can’t stand on the steep slopes when they are icey – much less gather cattle. Roland is sure going to earn his keep gathering steers this week – or whenever the weather breaks.

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