New Ranch Hand and Cowboy Chris Farris

Chris Farris the New Cowboy Ranch Hand

Chris Farris the New Dude Ranch Hand

Well, we finally made it home after two weeks back East. Sure was good to see our working dude ranch again. I thought I would fill my empty trailer on the way West – and I did better than I thought. I filled two horse trailers and hired a young cowboy till he goes back to school in August. I got a good deal all the way around. Doug, Roland, and I can sure use the extra set of hands to catch up on ranch work and get our horses back in shape after the winter.

We were lucky to get Chris Farris from Ennis, Texas. He is one of the young generation that gives us old folks hope for the future. At 20, he owns his own horse shoeing business, has his own gear and horses, truck and trailer, and is going to ranch school to learn A-I, livestock health, etc. – a young man with a plan and his head on straight. Plus he is a good hand – easy on the stock and handy as a pocket. I called Chris’s ad on a ranch gelding and bought the horse, hired Chris, and had him haul the horse and another horse on his way out here. Sometimes things just work out well that way.

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