Ranch Handyman Extraordinaire

Repairing the Dump Trailer at the Ranch

Repairing the Dump Trailer at the Ranch

When you live as far from town as Doug and I do here at the Double Circle, you have to be able to repair, patch, substitute, and rig up a replacement for anything that breaks. Sometimes it takes more than the standard duct tape to fix something. Here is a picture of Doug repairing a broken hinge on our dump trailer. In order to hold everything in position, Doug chained the tractor to the trailer frame, pushed the box forward with the backhoe, and lined it up to weld. It looked like everything was going to hold, so Doug crawled under the trailer and welded the broken hinge. It worked- and it is a good thing since we use that dump trailer to haul rock for our Erosion Control Workshop this April 20, 21, and 22.

Doug is the mechanical side of our partnership. And I have become a master of recipe substitutions – anything to avoid the long drive to town. But when something breaks, I hand it to Doug. 99% of the time he can fix it! Amazing.

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