Tom Whetten

Wildlife Photographer Tom Whetten

Wildlife Photographer Tom Whetten

Tom Whetten and wife Gail were up for a visit last week. They had been on a photo shoot in Colorado. Tom took some fabulous photos of 2 bull elk fighting- really something to see. Check out his African Photo Safari and other photography tours at his Wildlife Photo Tour website. Tom will be teaching a wildlife photography workshop here next spring – haven’t set the dates yet – and it will be great! We have the Texas Longhorns, wildlife, horses, and scenery to use as subjects. Check out Tom’s picture standing in a herd of Longhorns. Thank goodness the cattle are gentle – could get really ugly otherwise.

Tom and Gail will be up next week too. We had to order a hot water heater, and Tom will haul it up. The ranch is remote enough that FedEx won’t deliver and UPS only runs once a week at tops. Plus Tom is bringing the materials up to build a bird/bat pond, splash area next to the tents. The bath along with plants and year-round bird feeders will attract a variety of birds. We have 127 species on our bird list now. Bob Luce will be conducting a birding tour here next April. I expect to add several more birds to the list then.


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