Volunteers Make Antelope Habitat Improvement Possible

Antelope Habitat Improvement Fence Workshop

Antelope Habitat Improvement Fence Workshop

We just got the figures from the Arizona Antelope Foundation habitat improvement project held here at the Double Circle Ranch. There were 30 people here from as far away as Albuquerque and Prescott, and as close as Clifton. The volunteers drove about 10,896 miles at their own expense to come remove the bottom barbed wire and replace it with antelope-friendly smooth wire. They worked 264.5 hours all together – and that doesn’t even include the Arizona Game and Fish employee who really worked hard – on the weekend.

Volunteers like these folks working for wildlife make a huge difference in our ecosystems. They belong to groups like the Arizona Antelope Foundation, Sky Island Alliance, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Turkey Foundation, Park Service camp hosts, Gila Watershed Partnership, New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Friends of the San Francisco, and more groups than I could ever remember. The volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and probably would not agree on all issues. But, they do a tremendous amount of good for water, wildlife, and sustainable recreation. Seems to me we need a lot more of the people getting dirty and sweaty working on the land and a lot less people all slicked up suing each other in court. Everyone would benefit!

Antelope Viewing

Antelope Viewing

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