A bird's-eye-view of the Double Circle Ranch range land.
What is sustainability?
- Meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
- Recognizing our relationship to the world around us and our responsibility to future generations
- Making conscious choices that sustain the quality of our region’s landscape and way of life
Sustainable ranching: it’s not an oxymoron!
Poorly managed cattle ranching can cause problems ranging from waterway damage to weed infestations. A sustainable and well run ranching operation can actually increase the biomass and diversity available for other species.
Browsing—by cattle or any other grazing species—triggers increased plant growth, especially of non-bushy species that help prevent erosion. High nitrogen manure and urine provide fertilizer and water, which also helps to boost plant growth. Large herds of constantly migrating buffalo once kept the range in good condition. Today the buffalo are gone, but with careful management and rotational grazing, our cattle can provide a similar ecological function to the range.
Here at the Double Circle Ranch, we follow careful grazing practices so the land actually improves over the years it bears our herd of Texas Longhorn steers. We are also 100% off-grid, relying entirely on solar energy and wind energy for electricity. We recycle, even though at this point that involves driving everything to the next county. The toilets in our outfitter tents are state-of-the-art composters. Everything we do is with an eye to the future, to improving the land and our environment.