Quivira Coalition Conference

We have been to Albuquerque for the Quivira Coalition conference. There are always so many intelligent, innovative people in attendance that we feel uplifted and invigorated when we leave. It is a great thing to have ranchers, environmentalists, scientists, acadamia and agency people all working together to conserve and improve soil, air, wildlife, water and cultures in the West. Plus it is just fun. Doug and I aren’t used to television, unlimited solar, concierge services, fabulous meals, etc. But by day 3 we are really missing the ranch! Glad to be home.

The variety of people is amazing – with no fist fights too. All age groups from kids to elders, cultures from Anglo, Hispanic, Navajo, Amish and backgrounds from ranchette owners to huge ranch owners, urban, suburban, rural and boonies folks, artists, authors, laborers, cowboys, Indians , all the “ologists,” professors and more. They all have tales to share about how they live on the land and how they contribute to a diverse and healthy environment. Truly inspirational.

But now it is back to what we really love – ranching – with new ideas on how to be the best we can be.


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