Writing Grant Applications

ADA Grant Application Work

ADA Grant Application Work

I have been writing a grant to get some work finished on the ranch. This sounds easy, but don’t let that fool you. I do believe that professional grant writers earn every penny of their fees! Unfortunately, a regular person is hard pressed to decipher a grant application and turn it into regular English. I will read directions several times and come up with different ideas on what they really are asking. I’ll finally get Doug to read it also and we’ll take the best guess at translation. It is tricky. I don’t know who in the federal government designs these applications. They must be geniuses who don’t realize that everyday ranchers don’t have a clue as to what they mean. Last year some of the grant money didn’t get used in Arizona – it was too hard to write a grant for it! That kind of defeats the purpose of having sound conservation practices put on the ground by the people who live on the ground. Go figure.

At any rate, I called the Arizona rep for this USDA grant and told her I was mailing it out Friday and hoped I did it correctly and that she could understand everything I wrote. I guaranteed her that my response to their questions would be easier to understand then the questions were! She laughed and said that I should try and read and evaluate all the grants. She has a point. I can work for a few hours on a grant and then go saddle up and ride. She has to do this 40 hours a week! Tougher than me.

4 comments to Writing Grant Applications

  • Kimberly Blakeway

    In the last few years I have been thinking about looking for a grant to turn our small California ranch into a model “green” ranch. Until today, I have only thought about it and now am deciding to begin my research on where and how to start. Any information on the process would be appreciated. I imagine that it will be a long journey of research, head aches and heart-ship. I am dedicated to getting this done, but don’t have the slightest idea where to start.

  • Kimberly,

    Jump in and do it! There is a huge variety of funding sources for good conservation practices. 1st, decide what you want to do. Then you can see what grants are applicable. If you are converting to alternative energy, check with your local electric company- they should have funds for that.Depending on what you are doing, I would check with Dept. Of Agriculture, EPA, NRCS,Dept. of Environmental Quality, Dept of Water Resources. Don’t forget private companies and foundations- there are a lot of them.Every agency we have dealt with has on staff a knowledgable and polite person whose job is to help you implement sound conservation practices, whether energy savings, wildlife habitat, water quality improvement, or education- use them! Basically all good practices qualify somewhere.The government gets a lot more for their money by funding private people who actually live where the practices are than if they had to send teams of people everywhere to locate areas where new conservation is needed.Plus they don’t have the knowledge of the land or the time and commitment to maintain practices.
    Small, grassroots efforts by people just like you and me are what will do the most benefit in the long run- and at the least expense. Thanks for doing your part! Let me know if I can help in any way. Good Luck!

    Wilma Double Circle Ranch

    PS When writing a grant, be VERY careful to details. One small mistake- such as not double spacing where required or not numbering the pages if required- can get the whole grant thrown out and not even read. Many grants have a draft review period to assist you. If you can work that into your timeframe, it can save you a lot of time and help avoid mistakes.

  • Wanda Wriston

    My dad passed away and I have been assisting my elderly mother with her cattle ranch. The herd is small but keeps you busy. I have a regular job 8-4 and then the ranch and then home. We need to get electricity out there badly and it’s at least 3 miles from the main town. Years ago they said it would cost @$50,000 to get it out to us but now I’m sure it’s more. How can I research grants to get electricity and a deeper well. As we also supply water to all local wildlife, mountain lion, white tail deer, mule deer, antelope, kit fox, javalina, you name it, it’s out there. Appreciate any information and guidance.

  • Wanda,

    I am no expert- but here is what I would try in your situation. First, I would go to the electric company. Since your mother is elderly, she may qualify for reduced fees. It depends on income- and your particular electric company. It doesn’t hurt to ask.If she has any health issues, I would make sure I told them.

    Then I would talk to your NRCS ( Natural Resource Conservation Service) office. They sometimes will cost share to provide water for wildlife- and it sounds like you have a lot of species on your place. Sometimes your local Game and Fish or US Fish and Wildlife will pay part of a water developement for wildlife project.

    I would start there and ask all those folks who might help in your projects. Once you find a source- and hopefully can get the costs cut for your mother, read all applications very carefully.If you follow all instructions, you can write your own app if that is what you decide to do.

    Good luck. I took care of my mother for years as her health failed.I am very grateful to have had that time to enjoy her company and get to know her even better. But it is hard to juggle work, ranching, etc.
    Hopefully, you can get the electric situation done and it will be easier..


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