Bring on the Butterflies!

Arizona State Butterfly – Two Tailed Swallowtail

We had butterflies coming to the new butterfly garden even before we could get the plants in the ground! Marceline was able to identify 18 species in just over an hour in the butterfly garden. I am still at the yellow, blue, or spotted butterfly id stage. […]

Our New Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden Before Work Began

Our community butterfly garden is done!!! Almost – we ran out of mulch. Thanks to Adriane Grimaldi’s garden design and planning, we planted 75+ butterfly nectar and host plants. The butterflies were checking out the garden while we were still planting. It is a thing of beauty, and it […]

Planning a Ranch Butterfly Garden

Two ladies from the Butterfly Association came to the ranch to plan for our butterfly gardens. In one afternoon we spotted 15 different kinds of butterflies […]