Karl’s Return Visit

Cowboy Karl Gatherin the Longhorns

Our friend Karl was back to the Double Circle Ranch last week. He drove in from Los Angeles. Karl wanted to get the feel and spirit of ranch life. So we put him right to work. Karl and I rode picking up remnant cattle and herding cattle on the […]

Day 7 – Last Day of Karl’s Working Ranch Vacation

On the last day of his working ranch vacation, Karl gets to see some other areas of the ranch, takes some photos, and have lunch before heading home. […]

Day 6 – Rounding Up Strays

We herded what we thought were all the cattle into the pasture. I checked for cattle in the dips and valleys since they could easily hide in the tall grass. […]

Day 5 – Riding Horseback in Cattle Country

I’m too easy on the horses. A finished horse shouldn’t be able to get away with standing there when I want him to go. Nearly got yanked off Yellow. […]

Day 4 of Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation

On the fourth day of Karl Lentini’s cattle herding vacation, Karl rides “Yellow.” […]

Day 3 of Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation – Stampede!

On the third day of Karl Lentini’s cattle herding vacation, we got caught in a storm about four hours from the headquarters. The wind blew so hard that our slickers billowed out like sailboat sails. We had to hold our cowboy hats as best we could since the hats would have blown to the next […]

Day 2 of Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation

Drove my first cattle today. I didn’t know that they will hide behind a tree hoping you won’t see them – sometimes you don’t. […]

Cowboy Karl’s Cattle Herding Vacation – Day 1

Karl Lentini from Los Angeles writes about his week-long Cattle Herding Vacation at the Double Circle Ranch. […]