Day 5 – Riding Horseback in Cattle Country

I’m too easy on the horses. A finished horse shouldn’t be able to get away with standing there when I want him to go. Nearly got yanked off Yellow. […]

Ajo – A Favorite Ranch Horse

I have been riding our cattle herding ranch horse Ajo quite a bit lately. He is one of the old, reliable equine souls on the ranch. In my search for a personal horse, I keep coming back to Ajo. […]

Some Women Buy Jewelry, I Buy Horses

I am just as tickled to get a new horse as I was when I got my first very own pony. Where some women buy jewelry or shoes, I buy horses for our Dude Ranch. […]

Retiring an Old Dude Ranch Horse

My old reliable dude ranch horse is getting retired. Old Cadillac just isn’t holding his weight out on pasture and the mountainous terrain is getting too tough on him. […]