Wind and the Wallow Fire

Wind Blown Willow and Barn

June 18

I was hoping to have nothing but good news on the Wallow fire. But I guess I was ahead of myself. The fire is 500,000+ acres with 44% containment. We still have no rain in the 10-day forecast and now there is another issue. Winds are […]

Mexican Gray Wolf and the Wallow Fire

The Wallow fire has burned through at least 3 denning areas of the Mexican Grey Wolf. Each had pups. No one knows if they – or the adults – survived yet. […]

Wildlife and the Wallow Fire

I hope we don’t lose a lot of wildlife to this fire. I expect newborns and small animals will fare the worse. The critters are another loss from Wallow Fire. […]

Wallow Wildfire Report – June 14

Back Burn Above Honeymoon

Well, it is official. The Wallow fire is the largest in Arizona history at 469,000+ acres. 4 commercial buildings, 32 residences, and 36 out buildings have been lost so far. Without the 4000+ firefighters working round the clock, the toll would have been much worst.

Here at the Double Circle […]

Wallow Fire Back Burns – June 13, 2011

The back burns they set are huge. I don’t know how they keep them under control. […]

Wallow Fire Report – June 11, 2011

Wallow Fire Smoke in the Mornings

It looks like Double Circle Ranch and Eagle Creek are going to be spared in the Wallow fire. Wallow fire is now over 430,000 acres and is 6% contained. It gets windy everyday it seems and has for three weeks or better. Early in the morning we have […]

Wallow Fire – June 10th

Wallow Fire on the San Carlos Reservation and Rose Peak

June 10.

The Wallow fire is up to over 408,000 acres with 5% containment. Here at the Double Circle not too much changed today. The smoke from the fire was intense until late morning – the wind didn’t start blowing until 10:30 or […]

Arizona Wallow Fire, June 9th

Wallow Fire Smoke in the Morning June 9, 2011

June 9th.

Another smoky morning for us on the edge of the Arizona Wallow Fire. Early mornings seem always to be socked in, but clear when the daily winds pick up. The good news for us on Eagle Creek is that the hotshot crews […]

The Wallow Fire – June 8, 2011

Wallow Fire on the Mogollon Rim

The Wallow fire has grown to 388,000 acres and still has zero containment. It looks like it may break the Arizona worst fire record, which is one record no one wants to see topped!

Our neighbors, Gary and Darcy Ely, loaded dogs and horses and pulled out this […]

Wallow Fire Report – June 7

Wallow Fire Getting Closer

Another day and the Wallow fire is still closer. 4 Drag ranch has lost fences – brand new, finished-this-week fences. That is a ranch disaster. 4 Drag is only 2 ranches north of us. There are many runs down the rim toward Eagle Creek instead of the initial two smoke […]