Herding Cattle in the Snow

Wilma Herding Cattle in The Snow

Wilma Herding Cattle in The Snow

We had a good snow at Double Circle Ranch a around New Years. Accumulations of probably 8 inches in the high country and 4 inches in our lower elevations. It is still melting slowly. While the cabin is snow free and muddy, the high trails are still iced and snowy especially in the shade.

I have been moving the longhorns to a different pasture the past few days. The snow makes it really difficult. Some of the trails resemble bobsled runs, not cow trails. I just keep gathering cattle I can find at lower water holes and taking them to the herd. Seven gathers later, I still lack 24 head. Hopefully today I will hit the jackpot and bring most of the steers in. These Texas Longhorns can climb steep ledges in ice and snow- they are survivalists. I think I’ll just keep gathering stragglers on low ground – at least until the ice is gone.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining. Our ranch needs the moisture. Every drop of rain or snowflake is a good thing here. It just takes a little more work to get the job done.

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