Spring Snow Showers

Hummingbirds Feast at Feeder

Hummingbirds Feast at Feeder in Snowstorm

It is April 14th – Spring by the calendar. But these hummingbirds at the cabin must be wondering whether winter returned. We woke up to snow showers and it has been snowing all day. The ground is still warm enough to melt the snow – but it sure looks and feels like winter, not spring. We’ll just build another fire and wait ’til the temperatures get back into the 60’s tomorrow. It is supposed to get almost 80 in two days. It had better get started because that is about a 50 degree difference. Meantime I’ll just keep the bird feeders full. Those little hummingbirds are tougher than they look.

April 2012 Snowstorm

April 2012 Snowstorm

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