The Bat Ranch

Resident Bat on Ceiling

Resident Bat on Ceiling

We had another visit with Dan Taylor from Bat Conservation International. Hopefully the Double Circle Ranch will be doing a “Water for Wildlife” (including bats) project. Basically, we would be cleaning out and fencing a dirt tank. The fence keeps livestock out of the water so it stays clean for birds, bats, and other critters. Then we run a pipeline and trough outside of the fenced dirt tank to give the horses and cattle clean drinking water. It is a win-win situation. We hope to partner with Arizona Game and Fish and the US Forest Service as well as Bat Conservation International to create a good, clear source of water for all wildlife.

Plus we do have lots of bats. Dan had his night vision goggles along for the visit. It is a blast watching the bats drink and catch bugs. Dan also has an electronic gadget that records bat calls and makes them audible while you watch the flying bats. Bat watching is great fun. Bats really are fascinating and important parts of the ecosystem. Plus they eat most of their weight every night in bugs. Some even love to eat scorpions. Gotta love any critter that lives on scorpions and mosquitoes.

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