
Javelina Eating Cactus

Javelina Eating Cactus

This seems to be a good week for Javelina! Just before this last snow, I was walking out to check a gate in Grays Peak pasture. I had all three of my dogs with me. The fence line is on a narrow flat area on the side of Water Canyon. You can’t see over the edge from the foot trail. All of a sudden Belle bristled up all over and took off over the canyon side, barking for all she was worth. The two older dogs slunk away from the canyon edge. I should have known that was the first bad sign.

Sure enough – first I heard a stampede of several sets of hooves or feet and then Belle came shooting up over the canyon side, running like her life depended on it. That was a definite second bad sign. Then a black hairy missile exploded over the side in hot pursuit of Belle. Very definite third bad sign. This four-legged dynamo turned out to be a furious Javelina (a wild boar or peccary) bent on defending his family. Unfortunately, Belle ran to me – with the Javelina right behind her. I never realized just how fast a motivated Javelina can run – pretty impressive. But I was too scared to be impressed until later. All I had between me and a mad, jaw-chomping, hair-on-edge, big Javelina was a scrawny little bush. Belle and I were both running around the bush. You are supposed to make a lot of noise to scare away Javelina – seems they have poor eyesight but good hearing. No problem – I was hollering like a banshee. 

The two older dogs left the country and for once, ferocious Belle was perfectly content to stay behind me – all her hunting instinct had vanished. The boar stopped; walked away a short distance – then ran back for round two. That bush was sure looking flimsy. I think that was the first time I was sorry that the Forest Service was working to remove invasive juniper trees. I sure would have liked to have a nice tall tree close about then. I would have been glad to climb up – Belle would have tried to climb too I would wager. Our defending Javelina hero finally left, and so did we. I crossed the fence and walked closer to trees on the way back to my 4-wheeler. Better safe than sorry.

This adventure had a plus side though. Belle has a healthy respect for Javelina now – I guess I do too. Today, walking back from the barn we ran into a batch of maybe 10 Javelina in our driveway. Belle bristled and barked – but she knew better then to chase them. Still two Javelina formed a rear defense unit. Once again – no trees close. These two defenders of the herd just came part way to us and stopped. I don’t know if Belle or I was the more relieved. Doug heard me calling (screeching is probably more accurate) and came out of the cabin with a .357 Magnum in hand – just in case things got ugly. But the two Javelina finally turned and confidently strolled to their buddies down in the creek bottom.  

So…. its Javelina – 2 ,  Belle and I – 0.

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