Skunked Again!

Skunked again! This is a bumper crop year for skunks. They are everywhere. We have a used oil stove on the cabin porch and it creates a dead end, narrow passage to the front door. Twice in 2 weeks a skunk, for reasons known only to it, has wandered onto the porch. Our 4 dogs immediately give chase. The poor skunk is trapped in the alley – you can figure what happens. Dogs run off stinking to high heavens, skunk ambles off at his own pace (the victor), and our entire cabin is perfumed. Yuck!

Bad thing about it is the door to our guest room always gets the worst of the spray. We have an artist coming next week to do some landscapes and locate good areas for a painting class next spring. Hope it airs out before he gets here.

Doug has had enough of the skunk problem- he set a live trap, baited it with dog food and is waiting to catch our house skunk. I don’t believe he has thought about how to carry off and release a live skunk yet. I am pretty sure I will need to ride that day!


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