Wallow Fire Silt in Eagle Creek

Brown Water in Eagle Creek

Brown Water in Eagle Creek

Well, we were worried that Eagle Creek would get filled with silt after the big Wallow fire – and unfortunately we were right. The creek, usually clear as glass, has run the color of a 10oz cup of coffee with a tablespoon of milk – not quite black, but almost. The silt deposits are thick enough that the county had to grade the road crossings to keep vehicles from getting stuck.

I doubt any fish will survive. The silt clogs their gills and the creek smells like dead fish. I guess anytime you have a hot fire like Wallow that destroys so much ground cover you will have runoff and water degradation. It is just nature. But I still hate to see Eagle Creek brown. It will clean itself. Really, it is amazing how well everything rejuvenates itself in time. The fish will move back in. I will be thrilled to get back to my favorite swimming hole.

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