Double Circle Ranch Photo Album
Memorable images of activities and scenes at the Double Circle Ranch in Arizona, a real western Cattle Ranch.
Here are images taken on some of our cattle drives.
38 Photos
Cowboys, Cowgirls, and Cowdogs - oh my! Just a few of the characters that have been seen at the Double Circle Ranch.
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Double Circle Ranch was funded by Arizona Water Protection Fund Commissioners (AWPF) to host an erosion control workshops once or twice a year. We always learned something new and had lots of fun!
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Double Circle Ranch has some of the best horseback riding in the country.
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We’re always thrilled when our old friends come visit.
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Tom Whetten’s Nature and Ranch Photography Workshop
5 Photos
Everywhere on the ranch has wildlife and breathtaking scenery.
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There was never a lack of work to do on the ranch. I can’t say I miss some of the grunt work. But it is all part of running a ranch.
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Wildlife is the richest here that I have ever seen - beautiful.
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Here are all the great banners used in the sidebar of our site!
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Whole towns could have been wiped out by the Wallow Fire - Eager, Springerville, Nutrioso, Blue - and whole subdivisions as well as isolated ranch homes. With thousands of houses to protect, only 32 were lost.
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