Can You Identify This Monster Bug?

Mystery Bug

Mystery Bug

Hey bug scholars – What the heck is this critter? I think it may be a tailless vinagaroon. It is about 2-3″ long and pretty intimidating – but not aggressive. But I wouldn’t want it crawling on me.

I tell you Eagle Creek AZ is home to lots of odd critters. And Double Circle Ranch has its full share. I came from Tennessee. I had never heard of a ring-tailed cat til I moved here and had them living in the house! I had never seen a coatimundi. The first one we saw was right beside the road. Doug stepped out of the truck to get a closer picture – and it started coming at us! It was not a happy creature. Doug decided a picture taken from inside the vehicle would be clear enough. I agreed.

Tennessee has reintroduced elk in the Great Smokey National Park and some wildlife refuges, but here we might see a whole herd from our window at the cabin. We also have seen lion, bear, antelope, deer, Javalina, turkey and lots of little critters in our yard. That just doesn’t happen often back East.

Back to the monster bug – I have gotten used to scorpions and learned to watch what I pick up and to shake out my boots. But this bug is new to me – I sure hope it doesn’t sting!

4 comments to Can You Identify This Monster Bug?

  • Judy Pence

    A sun spider perhaps?

  • Wilma Jenkins

    I never heard of a sun spider- but then again I neve saw a bug like this before. It doesn’t look like a spider, and I don’t think it has enough legs. I just don’t want it crawling on me!


  • Judy Pence

    Apparently it is a praying mantis at the end of it’s life cycle.

  • Wow– I didn’t know praying mantis changed that much before they died.We do have a lot of praying mantis- so it is possible. I learn something everyday.Thanks for figuring out the mystery critter.

    Now if I could just figure out where my missing steers were!!!!


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